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Basic usage

How do I edit a page?

To edit a page, simply click the edit link that appears on each page. This is in the form of a tab at the top of the page. A form will appear, containing the existing markup. When you have finished making modifications, click the Save button to commit your changes.

Hint: It always pays to use the Preview button first so you can check that the edit is what you intended.

How do I create a new page?

The simplest way to create a new page is to create a link to the page on another page, then click on the red link which appears.

e.g. Example New Page << is a red link until someone creates the page with this name.


  • A link to an external page is created by using one bracket at each end of the URL:

Using [] creates

  • A link to an internal page is simply two brackets at the ends, around whatever you want to call the new page (careful, it is case sensitive):

Using [[Sandpit]] creates Sandpit

Help I cant format it!

If you have tried to put your text into the Wiki and it looks horrible then you might want to use this trick:

  • Put <pre> and </pre> at either end of your text.
Straight wiki format Using <pre> </pre> tags
It can make a jumble of text look a lot more readable than it would have otherwise looked.

Including list of numbered items like: 1. Glenelg 2. Central District 3. Sturt 4. Eagles 5. North

It can make a jumble of text look a lot more readable than it would have otherwise looked. 
Including list of numbered items like:
1. Glenelg
2. Central District
3. Sturt
4. Eagles
5. North 

Getting started

How Did You DO That Again?

  • Cheatsheet - some common codes and how to use them


A little more advanced is including images or files into articles. You can link to any picture or file already in the wiki, or you can upload an image/file yourself and then link to it.

To upload a file use the "Upload file" link in the menu on the left under "toolbox". The preferred formats are JPEG for photographic images with millions of colors and shades; PNG for fixed-color pixelated images such as icons; SVG for structured drawings, logos; and OGG for audio, but if unsure use what you have.

To embed a file in a text, you just have to specify its file name with the internal link syntax ([[ ]]).

[[File:Glenelg logo.jpg]] produces: File:Glenelg logo.jpg


The internal-link style markup for embedding a file can take various options separated with a pipe character ("|"). In brief, they are [[Image:{name}|{type}|{location}|{size}|{upright}|{border}|{caption}]].

  • Type
'thumb' / 'thumbnail' or 'frame'. Causes image to be displayed with specific formatting (see below).
  • Location
'right', 'left', 'center' or 'none'. Determines placement of the image on the page. Defaults to 'right', when combined with 'thumb' or 'frame'.
  • Size
{width}px or {width}x{height}px, scales the image to be no greater than the given width and height, keeping its aspect ratio.
  • Upright
for use only on images that are taller than they are wide. This scales the image differently, considering both width and height instead of only width.
  • Border
adds a border around the image.
  • Caption
Any element which cannot be identified as one of the above is assumed to be caption text.
  • Link
To allow an image to link to an arbitrary title, URL or just nowhere.
  • Alt
For changing the alternative text (alt="") of an image.

So using our example above:

Thumbnail: [[File:Glenelg logo.jpg|thumb]] produces:
Sizing a Thumbnail: [[File:Glenelg logo.jpg|thumb|75px]] produces:
Location of the image within the page can be specified as 'right', 'left', 'center' or 'none'. Text will flow around the image. For example to the right of an image Located on the left.

[[File:Glenelg logo.jpg|left]] produces:

Text will flow around the image. For example to the right of an image Located on the left.
Size of the images can be reduced and enlarged by specifying with px. You can either specify its width or width and height.

[[File:Glenelg logo.jpg|150px]] produces:

More Help on Images/Files

Meta Wiki Help