1983 record win against Port

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1983 was not a good year for Glenelg. The club was still win less by the time it faced Woodville at Glenelg Oval in round 7. What followed was a 55-point flogging at the hands of a team that was to finish bottom of the ladder with only 4 wins for the season. The club was in crisis and in the days following the Woodville defeat first year coach Graham Campbell was sacked. He was reinstated shortly thereafter, following threats of a player rebellion.

Campbell was therefore back at the helm for Glenelg's round 8 match against the Graham Cornes coached South Adelaide at Adelaide Oval. This was another awful result for the club, with South kicking away after a competitive first half for a resounding 76-point victory.

It was not until round 9 that Glenelg recorded its first win for coach Campbell and for 1983, defeating Central District by 50 points at Glenelg Oval. This seemed to kickstart the season for the Tigers, who were to go on and win 9 of their last 13 games. However, this was only good enough for the club to finish in seventh spot on the ladder, a clear two games shy of fifth spot.

Without a doubt the season highlight came in round 19 against Port Adelaide at Glenelg Oval. Port Adelaide appeared keen to reprise their violent tactics from the 1982 preliminary final and there were several large melees in the second quarter. Stephen Kernahan was stretchered off with concussion in the first quarter, although he was able to resume after half time. Port Adelaide's Tony Giles was also stretchered off after a shirt-front hip-and-shoulder by David Holst that was deemed fair at the time but that would have earned him an 8-match suspension in today's AFL. A full list of injuries sustained is contained in the match report below, but the overall feeling from the match was that Port started the fights, Glenelg finished them and while they were at it powered their way to a thumping 95 point victory. So complete was Glenelg's dominance on the scoreboard they kicked 13 of the first 14 goals of the match.

Said coach Campbell: "That was our emergence as a tougher team. We really showed them, we did it Port's way - with a bit of fire in the belly."

Round 19, Saturday 13th of August 1983 2.20pm, Glenelg Oval. Glenelg versus Port Adelaide.
Glenelg:   5.5 9.9 17.16 23.20 (158)
Port Adelaide: 0.5 1.10 4.12 8.15 (63)


Glenelg - McGuinness 4.2, Kernahan 3.3, Twelftree 2.3, Holst 2.2, Carey 2.1, Kidney 2.1, McDermott 2.1, Sewer 2.0, Fedke 2.0, Hall 1.2, Symonds 1.1, Marshall 0.2, Duthy 0.1, rushed 0.1.

Port Adelaide - Huppatz 2.4, Faletic 2.1, Clifford 1.2, Hughes 1.1, Anderson 1.1, Kennedy 1.0, Evans 0.2, Curtis 0.1, Kinnear 0.1, Belton 0.1, Johnston 0.1


Glenelg - McDermott, Marshall, McGuinness, Holst, MacFarlane, Farquhar, W. Stringer, Carey, Hewitt.

Port Adelaide - Clifford, Belton, Johnston.

Crowd: 12549

Stephen Kernahan marks during the third term of the round 19 match at glenelg Oval against Port Adelaide, 1982. Port Adelaide's Steve Curtis and Ben Harris can only watch. The scoreboard tells the story of the match. * Photo courtesy of Gerry McGinley.

Team line-ups


3. MacFARLANE, John (V-C)

4. KERNAHAN, Stephen

5. CAREY, Peter (C)

6. FARQUAR, Peter

8. McGUINESS, Tony

9. SYMONDS, Tony

10. McDERMOTT, Chris

11. HALL, Tony

12. SEWER, Ralph

14. SEWER, Ralph


16. MARSHALL, David

17. KIDNEY, Robin

18. HEWETT, Mark

19. STRINGER, Wayne

20. HOLST, David

26. DUTHY, Chris

27. WALSH, Gavin

30. MAYNARD, Peter

35. FEDKE, Karl

36. SALISBURY, Scott

42. PARISH, Wayne



1. EBERT, Russell (C)

3. CLIFFORD, Stephen


5. EVANS, Tim


7. CURTIS, Steve

9. WILLIAMS, Anthony

11. KINNEAR, Kym

12. HARVEY, John


16. BELTON, Paul

18. RUSSELL, Dwayne

19. HUPPATZ, Ray

22. FALETIC, Milan

23. GILES, Tony

25. JOHNSTON, Russell

26. ANDERSON, Greg

28. HUGHES, Danny

30. HARRIS, Ben

31. KENNEDY, Dexter


Match Report from The Advertiser

Bloodied but not bowed. Peter Carey and Tony McGuiness celebrate a famous win against Port Adelaide, round 19, 1983


By Alan Sheil

Port Adelaide deserves the strongest condemnation for starting and prolonging the violence which marred the Glenelg game.

Port's deliberate, reckless mayhem brought only disgrace to a club that is proud of its tradition, self-discipline and strength of character.

While it may take two to tango, Glenelg's role in the brutal second quarter was more one of stern resistance and predictable retaliation in the face of some vicious head-hunting by a few erratic port players.

In many ways it was an unfortunate repetition of the unsavoury tactics Port resorted to in last year's preliminary final; tactics or inexcusable behaviour it was thought Port had eliminated from its system.

Frustration probably triggered the unnecessary, illegal actions of the Port players involved, for Glenelg was clearly the superior side, save for a purple patch Port produced to kick four goals early in the last quarter.

Whatever, the spiteful second quarter revived memories of the famous comment Australian cricket captain Bill Woodfull made to England team manager Pelham Warner during the Bodyline Test at Adelaide Oval in January, 1933.

Woodfull said: "I don't want to see you, Mr. Warner. There are two teams out there. One is trying to play cricket the other is not. The game is too good to be spoilt. It is time some people got out of it."

Glenelg captain Peter Carey would have been entitled to have said the same to anyone who cared to listen in the Port room at half-time on Saturday.


Regrettably, the most serious injury was an innocent player - Port's all-Australian half-back Tony Giles, who was concussed by a perfectly executed (and legitimate) hip-and-shoulder by Glenelg's heavy, rock-hard centre half-forward David Holst.

Port interchange Anthony Williams also spent Saturday night in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital with concussion, having been bumped heavily by Glenelg centre half-back Wayne Stringer.

Port's catalogue of destruction on Glenelg players did not amount to anything as serious as admission to hospital, but it included Stephen Kernahan - slight concussion through a late, possibly accidental hit to the head, Carey - thump on the head, McGuiness - punch in the kidney area; Holst - hit on the head; McDermott - hit in the face; Hewett - hit on the head; McGuiness - punch in the face causing a bloodied nose and mouth.

That Glenelg could weather the physical storm and go on to its biggest win (95 points) over Port anywhere - and to kick its highest score (23.20) against Port at the Bay - was a tribute to its grim resolve, widespread talent and creativity and blistering speed, compared with which Port looked positively lethargic.

With a team full of dominant players , it was appropriate that Glenelg selectors decided against awarding their usual six trophys and asked that all 20 Glenelg players share equally the contributions to a bag that was taken around the clubrooms.


1. The SANFL Football Budget, Volume 58, Number 21

2."The Advertiser" Monday 15th of August, 1983

3. "Pride of the Bay"